Hey guys what's going on josh here from polymaths the http://www.nptm.ru/phpBB2/memberlist.php?mode=joined&order=ASC&start=2420400 . That helps you become a modern day renaissance man and todayI'm here. All dressed up. Because I just came back from an interview went really well, and I was from a service member about maybe last week or so and I thought. It would be really good material. That you got it's a question. That you guys might also have so here. We go the question basically was by it's not. Even my friend. This acquaintance of a friend of mine asked them to ask. If there was. Any what are the major differences between a federal resume and a regular resume and you know like. What should. They look out for what are the things. They need to do. All the etc etc so. Ithink and you guys have probably seen. This before like sometimes people ask the wrong questions and I think. This is one of those cases. Where and it's its not. This person's fault it...