Hey guys what's going on josh here from polymaths the http://www.nptm.ru/phpBB2/memberlist.php?mode=joined&order=ASC&start=2420400. That helps you become a modern day renaissance man and todayI'm here. All dressed up. Because I just came back from an interview went really well, and I was from a service member about maybe last week or so and I thought. It would be really good material. That you got it's a question. That you guys might also have so here. We go the question basically was by it's not. Even my friend. This acquaintance of a friend of mine asked them to ask. If there was. Any what are the major differences between a federal resume and a regular resume and you know like. What should. They look out for what are the things. They need to do. All the etc etc so. Ithink and you guys have probably seen.
This before like sometimes people ask the wrong questions and I think. This is one of those cases. Where and it's its not. This person's fault it's its. That we've all been conditioned. Everybody in society military members included we've been conditioned to think. That our focus should be on a resume. Because a resume is used during used by employers during the job search and it basically explains. All of these skills and abilities. That we have right so. We just assume. That's the. Most important thing we assume. That's that's the thing that has to be perfect a perfect just going to say perfection alized look the thing that has to be perfect before. We can go out and conquer right wrong super-wrong here's the thing all resumes are different okay your resume my resume we're coming from different places every company is going to have a different process for resumes. Some companies are as simple as hey. You on the street. What you did I'm going to hire. You no resume involved others are a simple let's interview for a second well not a second 30 minutes or so. Iget a good vibe we're good. Now the reason why federal resumes in particular get a lot of a lot. More what's the word I'm looking for attention is because that's what the government uses.
They use if they use resumes as. One of their tools to categorize candidates prioritize candidates. All these other things okay companies. That are not affiliated or organized with the government don't rely on. That heavily on resumes. Now I'm not saying that I mean tons of companies do. Imean Google Apple Amazon. They all use a resume system but the point is I think the government is the. Most dependent on resumes of everybody okay. Most companies. You can write a resume in just about. Any format you want and it can be in normally about. One pagers all you want just the highlights and then. You turn it in booms you're good right. It comes to government jobs. It comes to file going for a federal job a contracting job for the government. Anything like. That agency jobs. You're going as they want details. They want specifics especially like. If you're getting any kind of clearance job that's a whole other bag of cats but. You have to give them a ton of information, and they basically. They gather. That information in the form of a resume okay so say. You go to a job fair and you have different agencies there. That are looking at resumes and you hand them your one or two page resumes with. All your stuff on there they're going to say hey.
This looks good you've got a lot of skills with. We want go to. This website in we want. You to put in all this stuff in our websites resume machine okay so. What does that mean. That means no matter. How much time. You spend on your own personal resume. You go to fill out the federal resume and agency. Whatever that whatever the thing is it's going to be in a completely different format and here's the real other trippy thing right from agency to agency there they're formats are going to be different from contract to contract the formats are going to be different okay so. One agency could have say five different contracts. All of them looking for different requirements in their resume format. All of them with different formats to begin with right so the point is don't get too attached to doing things. One way don't assume. That you're ever going to write. This one resume that's going to save the world and everybody's going to like bend the knee and bow down to. You never go to happen okay. What actually ends up happening is you're probably going to have to just for one job just for one job just for one interview probably going to have to write an average of three to five resumes to get. That job especially. If you're contracting right ah let.
Me give you an example. You have your normal one-page resume or so. That you give out it's your general resume. That you give out of job fairs. You give that out. You get a you get a bite someone's interested you're interested. They tell you to go to their site fill up their resume. You go to their site. You probably have to spend. Another hour to filling out their resume then. You wait until. You get a response and if. You get a response and may ask for some updates. They may ask. They may call. You right if they're trying to schedule a pre-interview or something like. That a phone interview and they'll ask. You question. Where the answers are on the resume. You know why nobody reads the resumes okay it's sad but it's true or sometimes they'll ask the same questions to try to confirm just to make sure. That like what you said is really true and it wasn't just. Someone writing for you but the point is you'll do. That and then at some point later. You may have to rewrite your resume. One more time before. You get put into.
That position. You are working for a company that's a contractor to an agency to a government agency or something like. That you're going to go through. That whole process. Ialready said. You interview with them. Both over the phone and in person you're then going to have to fill out. Another contract or sorry you're then going to have to fill out. Another interview for that specific contract they're going to put. You on go on an interview with the client and then here's the thing let's say the client. This happened to. Me one time let's say the client says well. You don't really have. What we need for this specific contract but there's this other contract over here in your perfect fit well guess. What youth write. Another resume. That fits that contract right so it's never ending the point is the point is twofold. One don't think you're going to write. One or two resumes and be done with. It rights every time. You go job searching you're going to have to tweak your resume for the particular job.
That you're going for this is especially true. You go for jobs. That are outside of the your wheelhouse or what you've done before right so. If you've been an analyst durable life and now you're going for a manager job well. You have to change your analyst like resume to display your managerial skills versus your analytic skills okay so there's a difference there right and sometimes it's just a nuance on the words agar re the other thing is. That not only will. You have to write multiple resumes throughout your career. If it's for the same job the other thing is when. It comes down to. It what's going to get. You the job is not the resume okay the point. That I'm trying to make here is no resume as ever as important as the interview. That you go on and the people. That you meet sometimes you'll actually have the job before. You ever turn in a resume. Because people have already approved. You the whether it's the CEO the hiring manager whoever has. That authority. They may have already approved. You'll still have to turn in a resume. Because essentially there are federal guidelines and laws. That require a resume to be submitted right it's so. That everybody can see why it's so there's paperwork. That shows the job qualifying process and things like.
That but here's the deal. Nobody may ever look at. That resume. Nobody ever care about. That resume. What they care about is when. They talk to. They feel like you're a good fit for their company do. They feel like you're good fit for the team the agency. Whatever the case may be done. You share the same values do. You share the same ethics as the other people. That you'll be working with. Ithink that's going to be far. More important and especially I've mentioned. This in other videos but especially. You can get a referral or someone recommend. You someone you know is in the company or has. Some sort of relationship with the company. Whether you know those go much further. Then just a sheet of paper with words on it and like. Imean a lot of people. You will have written two or three resumes before. Even speak to the hiring manager. You may have spoken to recruiters and or other company reps and you'll you'll go in for the interview. That day and the hiring manager may. Even have your me in their hand and have not been. Even read through they'll may say whom. Though I'm skimming this right. It says that you've done. This and this before that's the first time they've looked at it ever okay right, so I'm not our resume hater well. Ikind of am but the point is if you're gonna focus your efforts focus.
It on something more important okay the question shouldn't be. What is the difference between a federal resume and a regular resume they're. All different. Even federal resumes from agency to agency contract to contract are. All different the thing that the real question is what is going to get. That job and it really boils down to a. Few things mainly your people skills mainly. How can you articulate the value. That you can add to the company. What are the things. That you learned. You are in the military. That you can use to your advantage for the company. That you plan on working for or the agency. That you plan on working for anyways. Ithink I've been. That horse to death and if. You guys have. Any questions regarding that. Iyou know raise. Some more issues go ahead and drop comments down in a section below. You guys would like uh. You guys liked the video give it a like. You want to see. More goes ahead and subscribe and you'll get. More but until next time. Everybody is doing well with their job transition. Whether you are planning to get out or you're already out. You ever have. Any questions feel free to also PM. Me and all how about. Ican okay thank you for service take.
This before like sometimes people ask the wrong questions and I think. This is one of those cases. Where and it's its not. This person's fault it's its. That we've all been conditioned. Everybody in society military members included we've been conditioned to think. That our focus should be on a resume. Because a resume is used during used by employers during the job search and it basically explains. All of these skills and abilities. That we have right so. We just assume. That's the. Most important thing we assume. That's that's the thing that has to be perfect a perfect just going to say perfection alized look the thing that has to be perfect before. We can go out and conquer right wrong super-wrong here's the thing all resumes are different okay your resume my resume we're coming from different places every company is going to have a different process for resumes. Some companies are as simple as hey. You on the street. What you did I'm going to hire. You no resume involved others are a simple let's interview for a second well not a second 30 minutes or so. Iget a good vibe we're good. Now the reason why federal resumes in particular get a lot of a lot. More what's the word I'm looking for attention is because that's what the government uses.
They use if they use resumes as. One of their tools to categorize candidates prioritize candidates. All these other things okay companies. That are not affiliated or organized with the government don't rely on. That heavily on resumes. Now I'm not saying that I mean tons of companies do. Imean Google Apple Amazon. They all use a resume system but the point is I think the government is the. Most dependent on resumes of everybody okay. Most companies. You can write a resume in just about. Any format you want and it can be in normally about. One pagers all you want just the highlights and then. You turn it in booms you're good right. It comes to government jobs. It comes to file going for a federal job a contracting job for the government. Anything like. That agency jobs. You're going as they want details. They want specifics especially like. If you're getting any kind of clearance job that's a whole other bag of cats but. You have to give them a ton of information, and they basically. They gather. That information in the form of a resume okay so say. You go to a job fair and you have different agencies there. That are looking at resumes and you hand them your one or two page resumes with. All your stuff on there they're going to say hey.
This looks good you've got a lot of skills with. We want go to. This website in we want. You to put in all this stuff in our websites resume machine okay so. What does that mean. That means no matter. How much time. You spend on your own personal resume. You go to fill out the federal resume and agency. Whatever that whatever the thing is it's going to be in a completely different format and here's the real other trippy thing right from agency to agency there they're formats are going to be different from contract to contract the formats are going to be different okay so. One agency could have say five different contracts. All of them looking for different requirements in their resume format. All of them with different formats to begin with right so the point is don't get too attached to doing things. One way don't assume. That you're ever going to write. This one resume that's going to save the world and everybody's going to like bend the knee and bow down to. You never go to happen okay. What actually ends up happening is you're probably going to have to just for one job just for one job just for one interview probably going to have to write an average of three to five resumes to get. That job especially. If you're contracting right ah let.
Me give you an example. You have your normal one-page resume or so. That you give out it's your general resume. That you give out of job fairs. You give that out. You get a you get a bite someone's interested you're interested. They tell you to go to their site fill up their resume. You go to their site. You probably have to spend. Another hour to filling out their resume then. You wait until. You get a response and if. You get a response and may ask for some updates. They may ask. They may call. You right if they're trying to schedule a pre-interview or something like. That a phone interview and they'll ask. You question. Where the answers are on the resume. You know why nobody reads the resumes okay it's sad but it's true or sometimes they'll ask the same questions to try to confirm just to make sure. That like what you said is really true and it wasn't just. Someone writing for you but the point is you'll do. That and then at some point later. You may have to rewrite your resume. One more time before. You get put into.
That position. You are working for a company that's a contractor to an agency to a government agency or something like. That you're going to go through. That whole process. Ialready said. You interview with them. Both over the phone and in person you're then going to have to fill out. Another contract or sorry you're then going to have to fill out. Another interview for that specific contract they're going to put. You on go on an interview with the client and then here's the thing let's say the client. This happened to. Me one time let's say the client says well. You don't really have. What we need for this specific contract but there's this other contract over here in your perfect fit well guess. What youth write. Another resume. That fits that contract right so it's never ending the point is the point is twofold. One don't think you're going to write. One or two resumes and be done with. It rights every time. You go job searching you're going to have to tweak your resume for the particular job.
That you're going for this is especially true. You go for jobs. That are outside of the your wheelhouse or what you've done before right so. If you've been an analyst durable life and now you're going for a manager job well. You have to change your analyst like resume to display your managerial skills versus your analytic skills okay so there's a difference there right and sometimes it's just a nuance on the words agar re the other thing is. That not only will. You have to write multiple resumes throughout your career. If it's for the same job the other thing is when. It comes down to. It what's going to get. You the job is not the resume okay the point. That I'm trying to make here is no resume as ever as important as the interview. That you go on and the people. That you meet sometimes you'll actually have the job before. You ever turn in a resume. Because people have already approved. You the whether it's the CEO the hiring manager whoever has. That authority. They may have already approved. You'll still have to turn in a resume. Because essentially there are federal guidelines and laws. That require a resume to be submitted right it's so. That everybody can see why it's so there's paperwork. That shows the job qualifying process and things like.
That but here's the deal. Nobody may ever look at. That resume. Nobody ever care about. That resume. What they care about is when. They talk to. They feel like you're a good fit for their company do. They feel like you're good fit for the team the agency. Whatever the case may be done. You share the same values do. You share the same ethics as the other people. That you'll be working with. Ithink that's going to be far. More important and especially I've mentioned. This in other videos but especially. You can get a referral or someone recommend. You someone you know is in the company or has. Some sort of relationship with the company. Whether you know those go much further. Then just a sheet of paper with words on it and like. Imean a lot of people. You will have written two or three resumes before. Even speak to the hiring manager. You may have spoken to recruiters and or other company reps and you'll you'll go in for the interview. That day and the hiring manager may. Even have your me in their hand and have not been. Even read through they'll may say whom. Though I'm skimming this right. It says that you've done. This and this before that's the first time they've looked at it ever okay right, so I'm not our resume hater well. Ikind of am but the point is if you're gonna focus your efforts focus.
It on something more important okay the question shouldn't be. What is the difference between a federal resume and a regular resume they're. All different. Even federal resumes from agency to agency contract to contract are. All different the thing that the real question is what is going to get. That job and it really boils down to a. Few things mainly your people skills mainly. How can you articulate the value. That you can add to the company. What are the things. That you learned. You are in the military. That you can use to your advantage for the company. That you plan on working for or the agency. That you plan on working for anyways. Ithink I've been. That horse to death and if. You guys have. Any questions regarding that. Iyou know raise. Some more issues go ahead and drop comments down in a section below. You guys would like uh. You guys liked the video give it a like. You want to see. More goes ahead and subscribe and you'll get. More but until next time. Everybody is doing well with their job transition. Whether you are planning to get out or you're already out. You ever have. Any questions feel free to also PM. Me and all how about. Ican okay thank you for service take.
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